Home > Nutritional DNA Screening

“Changing your future by learning from your genetic history.”
Small variations between individual DNA are what make us unique. We now have the technology to determine which variations predispose us to different conditions like heart disease, bone strength and the ability to detoxify harmful environmental toxins. By using a swabbing the inside of your cheek, we can determine which body processes and pathways may not be functioning at their best. We can then make recommendations to improve the function of your cells, tissues and organ systems. Dr. Ron includes personal nutritional recommendations, if necessary with the purchase of each test . This testing is known as “Integrative Genomics”
Integrative Genomics Test Kit
It’s as easy as brushing your teeth. The total process takes just a few minutes. Simply stroke one side of your inner cheek 25 times per swab. Place swabs in the special envelope and mail in with the pre-paid, pre-addressed return envelope. Your private information is confidential and restricted. All envelopes and forms are bar coded with your unique ID number to insure complete privacy.
What you will receive…
Your Integrative Genomic profile assessment provides recommendations for nutritional and lifestyle modifications that if followed, can improve the quality of your life.
Each Kit Includes
- Easy to follow instructions
- “Pop-up” Swab drying stand
- Confidential Client information form
- Sterile swab envelope
- Sterile swabs
- Pre-paid envelope
Click here to see a sample result panel
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |