Supportive Function:
Vitamin-rich herbs, along with vitamin B-6 and kidney concentrate. Diu-Plus replenishes the valuable mineral potassium.
Natural Diuretic With Potassium Each Tablet Supplies: Dandelion (plant) 150mg, Alfalfa (leaf) 150mg, Fennel (seed) 100mg, Shave Grass (plant) 100mg, Celery (leaf/seed) 50mg, Uva Ursi (leaf) 50mg, Potassium (as sulfate) 50mg, Vitamin B-6 15mg, Kidney Concentrate 50mg.
Product ID: 1530
Vegetarian: No
Quantity: 60 Tablets
Suggested Dosage: 1-2 tablets 3 times daily
Alfalfa contains L-canavanine, suspected in some allergic reactions.