Supportive Function:
A special blend of cleansing herbs chosen for optimal bowel function.
Contains: Cascara Sagrada (bark) 100mg, Bayberry (bark) 80mg, Rhubarb (root) 80mg, Red Raspberry (leaf) 30mg, Fennel (seed) 30mg, Slippery Elm (bark) 30mg, Goldenseal (root) 30mg, Cayenne (fruit) 30mg, Ginger (root) 30mg, in a base of 6X (tissue) salts: Kali Mur, Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph, Calc Fluor, Kali Phos, Silicea.
Product ID: DH14
Vegetarian: Yes
Quantity: 100 Herbal Tablets
Suggested Dosage: 1-2 tablets 3 times daily
Contraindicated in pregnancy. Cascara sagrada is purgative, and may be too harsh for children. Ginger should not be taken in large doses with anticoagulant drugs (small amounts are included in this formula).